We provide services to the energy industry,
with a special focus on oil and gas activities.

Future vision

To be acknowledged as the best choice to cover our clients´needs in the oil & gas industry.


Create customer satisfaction through service comprehensive management providing reliable long-lasting solutions.

Moral Standards

  • Commitment

    We are really committed to our job, taking into consideration the impact on our clients, the environment and people on the team.

  • Reliability

    We perform our job accurately and consistently, confirming quality service performance – at the forefront of industry service companies.

  • Responsibility

    We always take decisions based on our integrity and professionalism principles, optimizing our assets, taking humans into account and protecting the environment.

  • Austerity

    Keep a close eye on our expenses and look for permanent efficiency through actions and tools which boost synergy to strengthen the balance between the simplicity of our actions and the company growth.

  • Operative excellence

    Our course of action is based on crystal clear processes which provide us with a competitive advantage based on our service disposition – previewing improvement opportunities – always looking for a positive outcome that can give us financial profitability and added value in the presence of our clients.

  • Client-based

    The passionate way in which we offer our services gives us the opportunity to hold a wide range of joint solutions to resolve industrial issues and provide an answer in a reasonable period of time and also accurately.

  • Passion for what we do

    We are chosen due to our professionalism, our knowledge and experience, our passion for what we do, pride on our achievements.
    We count on highly-skilled staff to cover our clients´needs all around San Jorge Gulf, Cuyana and Neuquina basins.
    Over 1500 cooperators.
    Over 300,000 field experience hours.
    Provided services have grown 50% since 2022.


We are a key organization for the operation and maintenance of mature and unconventional oil and gas fields.

We have technically and professionally trained people to meet the needs of our clients in all the oil basins of the Gulf of San Jorge, Cuyana, and Neuquén.

+ 1500



field experience hours


growth in services provided
from 2022 to the present

How do we carry it out?

We build a Permanent Trust cycle which is improved through quality management systems, operational excellence and objective fulfillment on Ethics, Health, Security and Environment.

  • Ethics Code

    Set of values and commitments that allow us to work with integrity, transparency and responsibility.

  • Alcohol & Drug Policy

    Preventive measures, strengthening and safeguard of our staff health and their families.

  • Competent Authority to Halt the Job

    Main regulation aimed at reducing risky situations for workers, the environment or equipment.

  • Unwavering Rules Essential in All Operations

    Premises which give us the possibility of ensuring security, health and people´s well-being, protecting the environment and communities which are close to the operations.

  • Vehicle Safety Policy

    Safe driving practice standards in all the Company fleet.

  • SDGs and Management Systems Guidelines

    Our services are verified by national standards and foreign regulations that let us work on permanent growth (check certifications.) Besides, our communication and relationship initiatives with relevant groups are aligned with Sustainable Development Goals laid out by the UN (see objectives.)


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